Gigantic Garage Sale 2024

Wednesday July 17th, 11AM - 6PM
All proceeds go to Eden Prairie Bands

Garage Sale Date

Dates: July 17 – Wednesday

Times: 11 am – 6pm
4pm-6pm – all you can fit in a bag – $5

New Location: Central Middle School (CMS) Cafeteria

Cleaning up your house? We are taking donations!

Donation Drop-off Information

Dates: July 15, 16 – Monday, Tuesday

Times: 5pm – 8pm

New Location: Eden Prairie Central Middle School (CMS) - Cafeteria - East side - Bus Dropoff side

Just drive by the East side, where the bus dropoff, Track and Field side, and  our voluteers will help you unload your items.

Helpful Donations

Items We Need

Items We Don't Need

Help Us Spread the Word!

Please go to the Facebook events page below and select "going" and share the event.

Facebook Event: Garage Sale Event Page on Facebook